Amazing news about the tax convention!

And "Predistribution, not Redistribution" is such a key theme for the post-neoliberal era.

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A global tax would be ideal! But we should also advocate for businesses to invest directly in the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In June 2023, Bank of America Chair & CEO, Brian Moynihan spoke about the state of the economy, the U.S. financial system, and capitalism. * He said, ‘the SDGs will cost approximately’ “$6 trillion annually”. “Governments are too debt burdened” and “charity is insufficient”. “Business leaders” “like the oil companies” and others need to step up and prioritize a balancing of ‘short-term gains’ with ‘long term interests'. ‘Profits must be good for business and society down to the community level’. “Capitalism” “requires a greater purpose than making more profit.” Neither are sustainable without these SDG goals being achieved. * Interview hosted by the City Club of Cleveland. Posted on C-span. Program ID: 529044-1 https://www.c-span.org/video/?529044-1/bank-america-ceo-remarks-city-club-cleveland If supporting this effort to increase US business please email 435campaign@earthlink.net

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